• 0.10%
    Until 200% Profit
    Min Deposit: 55,555
    Max Deposit: 5,555,555,555
  • 3.00%
    For 100 Days
    Min Deposit: 222,222,222
    Max Deposit: 10,000,000,000
  • 200%
    Fast Test
    200% Overnight
    Min Deposit: 11,111
    Max Deposit: 22,222
  • 200%
    50 Days
    Min Deposit: 111,111,111
    Max Deposit: 10,000,000,000

Profit Calculator

  • Percent                     Profit

Live Statistics

  • Started:Dec 30, 2015
  • Running days:3331
  • Total accounts:592
  • Total deposits:$ 495,351,554
  • Total withdraw:$ 0
  • Visitors online:254
  • Last deposit:$ 11,111 (dabelxxx)
  • Last withdraw:$ 0 ()
  • Last update:Feb 11, 2025

Investment Portfolios

Wallet+ provides its members three major and one testing investment products, including Hourly plan, Daily plan and After plan. The term "Hourly" means profit is accumulated hour by hour, and the hourly profit is available for withdrawal at any time. The term "Daily" means profit is accumulated day by day, and the daily profit is available for withdrawal at any time. The term "After" means profit is paid at one time after deposit expires(matures), profit will be available for withdrawal only after the specific period you select to deposit in. Following is our investment portfolios break-down.

  1    0.10% Hourly until 200% Profit (Total 200%)
Plan Name Minimum Deposit Maxmum Deposit Hourly Profit
Hourly Wallet+ $55555
This is a Hourly plan, you will get 0.10% profit on a Hourly basis until you get 200% profit. For instance, you deposit 100000 Satoshis, you will receive 100 Satoshis each hour until you get total 200000 Satoshis, profit is credited to your account balance, you can either withdraw or re-invest.
Calculate Profit >> $ Hourly Profit: 0% Total Profit: $0
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  2    3.00% Daily for 100 Days (Total 300%)
Plan Name Minimum Deposit Maxmum Deposit Daily Profit
Daily Wallet+ $222222222
This is a Daily plan, you will get 3% profit each day for 100 days. For instance, you deposit 222222222 Satoshis, you will receive 6666667 Satoshis each day for 100 calendar days (total 666666666), profit is credited to your account balance, you can either withdraw or re-invest.
Calculate Profit >> $ Daily Profit: 0% Total Profit: $0
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  3     Fast Test - Doubling Satoshi in 24 Hours (Total 200%)
Plan Name Minimum Deposit Maxmum Deposit Daily Profit
Test Wallet+ $11111
This is a Testing plan, you will get 200% profit Overnight. For instance, you deposit 11111 Satoshis, you will receive 22222 Satoshis After 24 hours, profit is credited to your account balance, you can either withdraw or re-invest. This test plan is available to new members only.
Calculate Profit >> $ Daily Profit: 0% Total Profit: $0
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  4     200% Profit After 50 Days (Total 200%)
Plan Name Minimum Deposit Maxmum Deposit Total Profit
Pro Wallet+ $111111111
This is an After plan, you will get 200% profit after 50 days. For instance, you deposit 111111111 Satoshis, you will receive 222222222 Satoshis on the 51st day after the day you make deposit, profit is credited to your account balance, you can either withdraw or re-invest.
Calculate Profit >> $ Daily Profit: 0% Total Profit: $0
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