Profit Calculator
Live Statistics
Started:Dec 30, 2015
- Running days:3308
- Total accounts:592
- Total deposits:$ 495,351,554
- Total withdraw:$ 0
- Visitors online:264
- Last deposit:$ 11,111 (dabelxxx)
- Last withdraw:$ 0 ()
- Last update:Jan 19, 2025
Online Exchangers
Wallet+ is open to investors from all over the world. Anyone who is seeking for a passive profit could be our client. To facilitate our global investors and for the convenience of our investment project, we decided to use PerfectMoney, Payeer and Bitcoin as our payment processors. These three payment methods are the most worldwide, most popular, most stable and lowest fees online payment systems.
Exchangers play an important role in funding these online eCurrencies and converting the US dollar to any local currencies in the world. You are able to fund your PerfectMoney, Payeer and Bitcoin accounts and withdraw your funds from these eWallets easily with the help of an exchanger.
BitCoin has become the best and most worldwide cryptocurrency. To learn more on how Bitcoin works, how to create a bitcoin Wallet and where you can trade bitcoins ฿
, please visit official website: And you will find how to fund your Bitcoin Wallet with your local currency on
To start investing via OkPay, please register an account(if you haven't had one) and top up your balance from this link:
You can fund your OkPay account directly from your Visa
or Master Credit Cards. Or you may use the verified exchangers listed on which is able to exchange your funds to other ecurrencies.
To start investing via Payeer, please register an account(if you haven't had one) and top up your balance from this link:
You can fund your Payeer account directly from your Visa
or Master Credit Cards. Or you may use the internal exchanger which is able to exchange your funds to other ecurrencies.
SuperChange |
Recommended exchanger with instant and automatic exchanging services, you can exchange among Perfect Money, Payeer, Payza, SolidTrustPay, OKPay, OkPay, AdvCash, Z-Payment, BTC-e, eCoin, Yandex, Litecoin and Bitcoin instantly. website:
Recommended exchanger with local transfer(around 20 countries), Bank Wire, Western Union, Money Gram, China Unionpay, Perfect Money, Payeer, Payza, SolidTrustPay, Paypal, OKPay, Webmoney, Bitcoin, BTC-E ...etc. website: